Business name: Orleton Rise Park Ltd.
Address: 61 Queen Square, Bristol, BS1 4JZ
Contact: Gary Williams
Telephone: 01432 870 213
Email: [email protected]
Park details, if different from business name, address, and contact details above:
Name: Orleton Rise Holiday Park
Address: Orleton Rise Holiday Park, Green Lane, Orleton, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY8 4JE
8.1. You may use the booking form.
8.2. By telephone on 01584 831617
8.3. Online at : Contact Us
29.1 Over 72 hours (calculated from 1:00pm on your arrival date)
If you provide us with more than 72 hour’s notice, we can amend your arrival date within the next 12 months of your original arrival date. If you don’t have a date in mind, we can put your credit on hold; you can then redeem this credit for any booking arriving within 12 months of your original arrival date at any of our Touring Parks. Failure to redeem your credit in this time frame will result in the forfeit of this amount.
29.2 Less than 72 hours (calculated from 1:00pm on arrival date)
Amending the date of your booking within 72 hours or less of your arrival date will count as a cancellation and will result in the forfeit of any payments you have made for your booking.
51-53 give further details.
Account Name: Orleton Rise Park Ltd
Account Number: 02659256
Sort Code: 30-94-14
Reference: Your Surname, Arrival Date e.g. Smith 11.02
Please refer to:
Name/Job title: Head Office Telephone: 01432 870 213
These standards will apply from when you request your booking until your holiday ends. Unless stated otherwise, they apply whether or not you are on the Park at the time.
You agree to, and you must make sure that you, your party and any visitors (including, in each case,
their children), keep to the following standards of behaviour:
49.1. Commit any criminal offence (whether or not on the Park or in its vicinity) which causes your name to be entered on the Violent and Sex Offender Register or causes you to be subject to a Risk of Sexual Harm Order or Child Abduction Warning Notice (or any register, order or notice succeeding these);
49.2. Use the Park in connection with any criminal activity or commit any other criminal offence (i.e. any offence not already subject to clause 49.1) at the Park or in its vicinity;
49.3. Commit any acts of vandalism or nuisance on the Park;
49.4. Use fireworks, Chinese lanterns or any similar open flame heat source on the Park;
49.5. Keep or carry any firearm or any other weapon on the Park;
49.6. Keep or use any unlawful drugs on the Park;
49.7. Create undue noise or disturbance or commit antisocial behaviour on the Park;
49.8. Carry on any trade or business at the Park;
49.9. Permit anyone who is to your knowledge on the Violent and Sex Offender Register or subject to a Risk of Sexual Harm Order or a Child Abduction Warning Notice (or any register, order or notice succeeding these) to use or visit the Park.
Part II
Our Park Rules
The Park Rules do not affect anything to which you are entitled under the terms of your Licence Agreement.
The Expression ‘you’/‘your’ means the Caravan owner and/or occupier.
The Expression ‘we’/‘us’/‘our’/‘the park’ refers to the park owner and/or manager and/or staff.
The Expression ‘written permission’ means that you must obtain written permission from Head Office at Lucksall Caravan Park before carrying out any works.
You must make sure that anyone using the Park is aware of the Park Rules.